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An infectious disease expert and a Parkinson's disease expert discuss COVID-19 Corona virus infection

Sometimes in medicine we have a tendency to see the world through only one lens. This can create bias and a disconnect in our information. Much of what we learn about Corona virus comes from medical doctors and infectious disease experts. When we give advice to our Parkinson’s disease patients we thought it would be fun and useful to put an infectious disease expert and a Parkinson’s expert in the same room.

Who is Fred Southwick MD?

Dr. Frederick Southwick is a Professor of Medicine and former Chief of Infectious Diseases at the University of Florida.

He attended the Harvard Business School as an Advanced Leadership Fellow, and studied how business practices could be applied to improve the quality and safety of healthcare.

He is an award winning teacher.

He is author of: Critically Ill: A 5-point Plan to Cure Healthcare Delivery.

Fred knows first hand how the delivery of heathcare can make a real difference in people’s lives and he discusses how it saved the life of his wife.

What has Fred Southwick been teaching us during the Corona COVID-19 Crisis?

Fred has a 4 part series of advanced videos explaining everything you want to know about Corona virus.





Clinical Characteristics


Treatment and Prevention


What has been Fred’s most recent call to action?

See the Epidemiology of COVID changing…

Since the original video less than a week ago the epidemiology has changed. The number of cases has tripled and Italy now has as many deaths as China. China's epidemic curve has flattened. The U.S. case continue to climb at a doubling time of 2.5. NYC has 1/4 of the U.S. Cases, and their health system is overwhelmed. Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and China have flattened the epidemic curves. The U.S. has the steepest curve.

One interesting and very personal thing about Fred is that he and his family have suffered the profound consequences of preventable medical errors. He knows more than anyone the importance of getting it right!

Part two of the Corona Virus and Parkinson’s disease discussion was on Facebook Live March 25, 2020.

We covered topics including being caught in the position of making a choice between caregivers in the home and risk of Corona spread as well as what to do for DBS battery replacements during the crisis. We took questions from all over the world and also talked about cabin fever over corona fever.Also read an excerpt from our new Book #EndingPD

Parkinson’s Foundation 2nd hour of Corona and Parkinson’s Disease what you need to know!

Follow Fred Southwick on twitter @FS_Southwick

Follow Michael Okun on Twitter at @MichaelOkun or at #endingPD

To read more books and articles by Michael S. Okun MD check Twitter @MichaelOkun and these websites with blogs and information on his books and #EndingPD and

Michael Okun